Tenterfield Endurance Riders Club

The Tenterfield Endurance Riders Club now has a new web site
www.tenterfieldendurance.com.au produced by Angus Smith from Addrunner.com.au
Tenterfield Endurance Riding Club is a group of friendly horse riders and their families, who have been running rides since 1986.
We are one of the foundation Endurance Riding Clubs in the Northern River Zone of NSW and have been affiliated with QERA (Queensland Endurance Riders Association )for 30 years.
Tenterfield Endurance Riding Club maintains a ride base equipped for comfortable camping and horse riding with access to an extensive network of trails in Girard State Forest and along parts of the Bicentennial National Trail.
The Club has an active riding membership of all ages who share a love and respect for horses and endurance at all levels. It’s a great sport for all the family.
Come and join us and learn more about yourself, your horse and life around the camp fire.
Tags: Endurance