I just rode an endurance ride in it and it didn't move and the air flow along spine kept his back cool.
Love it 💞
Polar Equine Heart Rate Monitor for Riding
- The Polar Equine heart rate monitor helps you monitor how effectively your horse is training.
- The Polar Equine riding belt is designed to fit perfectly under the saddle, so it’s comfortable and safe to use and can be used for all equestrian sports.
- Monitor your horse’s heart rate with any Bluetooth-compatible Polar sports watch or on your phone with the free Polar Equine App (available from Google Play).
- The Polar Equine heart rate monitor for riding includes the Polar H10 heart rate sensor and the Polar Equine heart rate belt for riding.
iPhone: Set-up first time only
- App Store > type in Polar Beat in the Search bar > Search > Polar Beat: Running > Press the cloud button to download the app > Open
- Polar Beat would like to Use Bluetooth > press OK
- You can Sign in (set-up an account) however if you just want to get started press the Continue button, fill approximate details in for yourself > Continue > Allow Polar Beat to use your location “Allow while using App”
- Ensure the horse is wearing the belt
- Click Settings > click HR Sensor > Polar H10 ID will display > click PAIR > click close > click back > click training > heart rate will appear in blue circle top LHS > to commence a training session > click start
- Once the device is paired, all you will need to do for future sessions as along the belt is fitted on your horse all you need to do is just open the app & click start.
As a student of Veterinary Medicine I was sceptical about this product. However Polar has really done a good job woth this product. I was pleasently surprised that it not only shows Heart rate but an actual ecg trace which is not an animation. There was some noise with the trace during exercise although I will try rectifying this with a different girth.
As a student of Veterinary Medicine I was sceptical about this product. However Polar has really done a good job woth this product. I was pleasently surprised that it not only shows Heart rate but an actual ecg trace which is not an animation. There was some noise with the trace during exercise although I will try rectifying this with a different girth.
Fantastic! Very pleased that it could easily be connected with my current garmin watch. Very useful and easy to use.